Martyna wears long thorn dress HISU PARK, pearl earrings stylist’s archive
Martyna wearswhite goose feathervest, black trousersMAGGIE WANG / Martyna wears long thorn dress HISU PARK, pearl earrings stylist’s archiveMartyna wears finger jacket and t-shirt MOWALOLA, skirt and tights stylist’s archive / Martyna wears whitegoose feather vest and capMAGGIE WANG, pearlearrings stylist’s archiveMartyna wearswhite goose feathervest, black trousers MAGGIE WANG, boots stylist’s archive / Martyna wears t-shirt MOWALOLA, skirt and tights stylist’s archiveMartyna wears long thorn dress HISU PARK, pearl earrings stylist’s archive