In an unexpected move, Kylie Jenner has become the face of Acne Studios latest denim campaign. Shot by Carlijn Jacobs the new photo campaign sees Kylie (and her clone) trade her usual skin tight outfits we’ve come to associate with the Kardashian-Jenner clan, for the Scandi brand’s XXL ultra baggy fit denim. Replicating the undone look of the ‘distressed penicillin wash’ jeans and the oily sheen of the new denim line, Jenner similarly wears her in a wet look fashion, slicked and oily, with grimy and almost muddy looking body make up to match.
The clothes themselves look effortlessly cool and delightfully worn in (but never worn out), an aesthetic championed by the Swedish luxury brand. Acne Studio’s made their sartorial start in denim and it has remained an unmoving staple to the brand’s fashion DNA. The brand was founded in 1996, the name being an acronym for ‘Ambition to Create Novel Expression’ originally a part of a bigger creative collective. It was in 1997 that founder Jonny Johansson crafted 100 pairs of raw denim jeans to give away to friends and family, cementing the importance of the material for the brand, now with a dedicated and cult like following. Johansson has long understood the importance of denim to his brand calling it “an endlessly important material that [he] loves to reinvent every season.” For 2023 the denim line has received supersized treatment, the jeans and jackets are oversized and baggy, a silhouette not going anywhere for the rest of the fashion season.
With big jeans (quite literally) to fill, Kylie Jenner makes a surprising but sensible choice for the campaign. Kylie has been spotted at recent Acne Studio catwalks, and describes her relationship with the Scandinavian powerhouse as “organic” having built a friendship over the years. Perhaps that’s why the campaign feels natural, even at home for the model despite the contrast to her usual ‘off duty’ wardrobe. Speaking on the shoot itself, Carlijn Jacobs comments that “the campaign sought to showcase Kylie as a woman who is in control, has love for herself and is unafraid to embrace her desires. I aimed to celebrate her individuality by doubling her. She loves herself and is not afraid to show it.”
Take a look at the campaign below.